The Road Is Made By Walking
“There is no road, the road is made by walking. ”
Welcome to the long-awaited 2021! I came across this quote again the other day, which has always resonated with me. It provides a gentle reminder of an open ended future filled with possibility. Though what lies ahead is always shrouded in a kind of darkness, our paths uncharted, I think these words are a reminder that our choices are many and that our lives are a creative act. We move through our days, making decisions large and small that have the effect of clearing the path as we step one foot in front of another.
Reflecting on the new year, as we all do, I would like to spend my days ahead more mindfully, more aware of the small things that can easily miss my gaze, like the pattern of tiny bird feet in the freshly fallen snow. I hope to listen more carefully to the layered chorus of birdsong against the rustle of leaves and the sound of my own breathing. That means slowing down and paying attention, sifting through to find the things that matter.
There is much sorrow in the world now, but there is also much to savor. We don’t have a map and there is no path laid out, except the one that we make after we’ve rested for the night and arrive once again at the start of a new day.
May 2021 be filled with brighter tomorrows!