Notes For The Artist Within: Reminder No. 2 - Show Up
Reminders for the Artist Within, no. 2 — Show Up, inspired by an amazing Ted Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert
Happy Holidays to everyone! In my last post, I talked about my list of 10 reminders for my own creative practice…inspired by many other creatives who have come before me. These are aspirations and I find they are part of my little toolbox of helpful ideas to keep me motivated and on an even keel. It’s sometimes a lonely and rocky road as an artist, despite the wealth of connections most of us have in person and across the world via the internet. Still, for me, there are days when I wonder what is the point, do I need to go into the studio to make another something? This is part of the bigger question that I find on my mind each day of late…what is worth doing? I’m planning to expound on each of the remaining ten reminders in future blog posts, but for now, here’s my entire list of 10, followed by some notes on no. 2 — Show up!
Ms. P’s Reminders for the Artist Within (inspired by many others and my own experiences)
Look Inward
Show Up
Keep Your Hand Moving
The Mind and the Body Are One
Leave a Trace
Live the Questions
Nothing Is Wasted
Make More and Then Some
There Are Countless Paths Through the Woods
Living Is a Creative Act
Today’s post deals with no. 2 on my list…showing up. The TED Talk given by Elizabeth Gilbert many years ago has long been my source of inspiration for showing up. I’ve just watched it again myself and still think her words and her story are powerful and moving. I share it with you here, because this is the reason my list contains the reminder: Show Up. There are days when this is a tough one, because motivation wavers and sometimes disappears altogether. This is really quite a normal part of the ebb and flow of our days—certainly not something to chastise yourself for, though I sometimes do that myself. And yet…
Daily Teapot Drawing, December 16, 2021 (2.5x3”) — the result of 5 minutes of showing up
For me, the impetus to show up has little to do with inspiration, because in my own particular practice inspiration comes through the making….this might more sense after watching the video. Showing up is kind of a habit to develop, which provides me with the drive to be there on a regular basis….even if it is only 5 minutes. I remind myself that whole worlds can open up in mere moments. But you have to be there…you have to show up. The daily drawing practice grew out of the habit of showing up. I’ll admit that I do go through phases where the habit of making the daily drawing for my Etsy shop falls away. I get discouraged, I talk myself out of things and into a downward spiral. But the best recipe I’ve found to get grounded again, to find your center….show up, be present, make some marks, listen….listen. Before long it is a habit, reinforced by the mysterious richness of the rewards. Cheers to you all and thank you for the support and connection. Best wishes for the New Year….see you early in 2022.