Johntimothy Pizzuto /Patti Roberts-Pizzuto

Pursuing the creative journey through print and drawing

  • Patti

    Small, intimate mixed media works that explore themes of time, memory and the accumulation of history through intuitive mark making. Pieces combine a variety of materials to create a layered surface, revealing the trace of time, a palimpsest of our collective history.

  • Johntimothy

    Explorations in a variety of print media that allow me follow in pursuit of the wild hare. These art works allow for a wandering mind and spirit to make creative discoveries that manifest in meaningful connections. Works move freely from observation to non-objective and back again.

  • Collaborations

    Collaborative works that combine drawing and print media in new and surprising ways, as we explore new territory together. Utilizing a call-and-response process, the works take us beyond our own comfort zone, as we experiment with new ways to express our collective journey.

There are connections I see between art and traditional forms of archery:

“You and your bow must come together as one; that act is divine. The unity of instrument and self is divine. There is no bow, no arrow, no you.” 

Zen Bow, Zen Arrow: Master Awa Kenzo’s 

I think through my hands -- my inner language is drawing.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way--things I had no words for.”
― Georgia O’Keeffe