Johntimothy Pizzuto /Patti Roberts-Pizzuto
Pursuing the creative journey through print and drawing

Small, intimate mixed media works that explore themes of time, memory and the accumulation of history through intuitive mark making. Pieces combine a variety of materials to create a layered surface, revealing the trace of time, a palimpsest of our collective history.
Explorations in a variety of print media that allow me follow in pursuit of the wild hare. These art works allow for a wandering mind and spirit to make creative discoveries that manifest in meaningful connections. Works move freely from observation to non-objective and back again.
Collaborative works that combine drawing and print media in new and surprising ways, as we explore new territory together. Utilizing a call-and-response process, the works take us beyond our own comfort zone, as we experiment with new ways to express our collective journey.

There are connections I see between art and traditional forms of archery:
“You and your bow must come together as one; that act is divine. The unity of instrument and self is divine. There is no bow, no arrow, no you.”
Zen Bow, Zen Arrow: Master Awa Kenzo’s